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Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity

From the Ayurvedic perspective, one of the major reasons for obesity is an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. Ayurveda also says that people with a dominant Kapha constitution are more likely to gain weight than Pitta or Vata dominant individuals. Therefore, people with an imbalance in their Kapha energy have to work extra hard to avoid gaining that unwanted weight.

Ancient Ayurvedic texts have described eight undesirable conditions of the body called as Nindya Prakriti among which obesity or Medoroga is one. Individuals with obesity tend to have overly sterile fats or medas that malnourish other essential dhatus of the body. When fat metabolism is hampered followed by an increase in Kapha, obesity is the result.



There are several factors that may contribute to obesity, such as unhealthy dietary choices, eating disorders, underlying illness, certain medications, a sedentary lifestyle, anxiety and hereditary factors as well.

Obesity treatment in Ayurveda is not just focused on reducing your weight, but also considers adjusting the metabolic processes by eliminating Ama and extra fats to regulate the role of Kapha while preventing Vata aggravation. Proper metabolism is necessary because it fortifies the tissues and enhances the digestive fire.Within a span of 7 to 14 days treatment along with Proper diet our experienced Doctors would be able to bring a significant change in your body.  

The span of treatment would totally depend upon the persons' health , age , associated diseases and other conditions.

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